Is It Worth Doing Your Master’s in Education?

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Thinking of taking your career in Education to the next level? Depending on what your goals are as an educator, getting your Master’s Degree can be one of the most rewarding and beneficial moves you can make in your career. But what exactly is a master’s degree, and what is it going to do for you?

In this article, we will discuss what a master’s degree in education is, as well as the rewards that make it worth studying. 

What is a master’s degree in education?

A master’s degree is a Level 7 postgraduate qualification that is typically taken once students have completed their undergraduate degree or other postgraduate degree. 

A master’s degree in education contains more in-depth and specialized material compared to an undergraduate degree, postgraduate certificate, or postgraduate diploma, and will generally take two years to complete. 

It can be done on a full-time or part-time basis, depending on which university you study through, and this will also determine what modules you’ll cover. 

  • Child development and education
  • Educational leadership
  • Digital learning 
  • Equality and diversity
  • Research methods in education
  • Curriculum development (like the STEM curriculum)

Why earning your Master’s in Education is worth it

For any teachers in Australia who want to stand out from the crowd in Education and are striving to earn a higher income, assume a leadership role, and enhance their teaching skills, getting your Master’s is worth it. 

With the advanced and specialized knowledge and skills, master’s courses will empower you to shape the educational landscape, make an impact and build a meaningful career. 

What are the benefits of getting your Master of Education?

Some people may think that when you enter education, your options become limited. This is true for people who don’t see the need to further their studies, which is why it is actually quite important to get your Master’s in Education. Here are some of the best benefits of getting your Master’s degree: 

1. Allows you to focus on your speciality

When you’ve been in education for a while, you know that there are some areas where you thrive and other aspects that you don’t enjoy. Doing your Master of Education will allow you to specialise and focus on that particular part of education that you really enjoy and become an expert in. 

2. Enhances your leadership skills

Many courses throughout a Master’s degree focus on leadership in different areas of education. Doing your master’s will provide you with advanced training that can enhance your leadership abilities and your confidence.

3. Improves your teaching skills

A master’s degree in Education better equips teachers to meet the demands of teaching by enhancing their knowledge of education and honing in their teaching skills. This usually includes skills like time and classroom management, as well as critical thinking and analytic abilities. 

4. Qualifies you for leadership roles

For anyone who has the ambition and wants to pursue roles in leadership in schools, for example, if you want to become a principal, having a Master’s degree in Education is usually a minimum requirement for many institutions.  

5. Boosts your resume

What better way to show potential employers and schools your dedication to education than furthering your studies and receiving your Master’s degree? Having this postgraduate degree will bolster your resume in this competitive field and make you an ideal candidate, not just for entry-level positions but for leadership roles, too. 

What can you apply for with a Master’s in Education?

With a Master’s Degree in Education under your belt, you will have various job opportunities that will be specific to your field of expertise. Here are some of the best jobs you’ll be eligible for when attaining your Master’s. 

  1. Curriculum Developer – this is the right position for innovative individuals who want to shape contemporary teaching programs
  2. Learning and Development Advisor – this role is suited for those who want to enable fellow employees to reach their best potential as an educator
  3. Education Coordinator – this position is perfect for individuals who are passionate about coordinating educational initiatives and thrive when collaborating with staff and administrators
  4. Education Consultant – this role is ideal for those who are up-to-date on the latest educational trends and practices and believe they can offer invaluable strategies and solutions 
  5. Education Administrator – this role is for the educator who is an organized leader who wants to be responsible for ensuring background operations of educational institutions run smoothly
  6. Principal – this is the right position for those who have the confidence and leadership skills to shape the direction of a school
  7. Special Education Coordinator – this role is for people who want to ensure that students with diverse needs receive the necessary support and resources to help them thrive 

Final Thoughts

Overall, getting your Master’s in Education is one way to enhance your job satisfaction and really make a positive impact on schools and education as a whole. The world needs more teachers who are passionate about Education and improving the system.

There are so many benefits of getting a Master’s Degree in Education that reach far beyond the financial rewards, which makes this a worthwhile career move.