Practice Test

ACT English Practice Tests

If you are here because you want to prepare for your ACT English Test and would like to answer practice tests, you’ve come to the right page. We will tell you what you can expect from this ACT English practice test, how to use it, and what other things you can do to score high on your ACT English test.

What Can You Expect from an English ACT Practice Test?

Like every ACT subject, the English ACT practice test features the same topics that will be on the actual ACT test. The types of questions on the ACT practice test will give you an idea on what you will find during the actual ACT test.

Expect to find questions that cover these topics:

English Usage and Mechanics:

Punctuation – covers the correct usage of punctuation marks including period, comma, semi-colon, and apostrophe.

Grammar and Usage – covers subject and verb agreement, pronoun-antecedent agreement, correct usage of verbs, adverbs and adjectives.

Sentence Structure – tests your ability to form logical sentences and link clauses together.

Rhetorical Skills:

Strategy – tests your ability to develop ideas and communicate them clearly.

Organization – checks your ability to organize your ideas and distinguish opening, transitional and concluding statements.

Style – tests your ability to understand the tone and meaning of a passage. In essay writing, this is where you demonstrate your ability to choose the right words and sentence structure to set the tone and style of your essay.

You will find passages with some underlined sections, which correspond to a question.

Start reviewing with our helpful contents: Practice Tests 2 for ACT Science

What Can This ACT English Practice Do For You?

  1. Become familiar with the types of test questions.

ACT practice tests will introduce you to the actual test’s format. This will help ease your anxiety about the test and reduce the time you need to understand the test instructions.

  1. Pace yourself.

With the actual ACT being a timed test, you can more or less assess how fast or how slow you are when answering the test. This is also a great way to assess how long it would take for you to comprehend English passages.

  1. Define your goals.

Now that you know the types of questions that will appear on the test and its level of difficulty, you can set goals for yourself in terms of how much time you’d take to read passages and answer each question. You can challenge yourself each time you take the practice test by either setting the timer to 45 minutes or less. This is the limit for the ACT English test.

We have Practice Test for English

How Should You Use This ACT English Practice Test?

  1. Answer it regularly.

Make a schedule on when you use the practice test. If you use it only when you remember or when you want to do it, then it will not be effective. Answering practice tests regularly will help develop your English comprehension and even grammar skills.

  1. Follow instructions.

The instructions in the English ACT practice test will be the same as those in the real test. If you follow the instructions here, you will be used to the instructions in the real test, which will help you stay confident and calm.

  1. Don’t just read the underlined texts or passages.

While you need to pay attention to underlined texts because to answer the questions, you need to read the entire passage to understand the connection between sentences and ideas. If you feel you are reading too slow, check how much time you’re really taking by using a timer, read content daily from quality sources like national publications, and by organizing your own thoughts in paper.

  1. Check your answers.

People learn through mistakes, that is why it is important to check your answers. See if there is a specific area where you tend to make more mistakes. If one area stands out like grammar or punctuation for example, then you would need to focus on studying for these weak areas more.

More review materials here : Practice Tests 1 for ACT Math

  1. Improve your score.

Didn’t get a good score the first time? Use this ACT English practice test to improve your score as it strengthens your English usage skills.

  1. Use it as a study guide

When you study for ACT English, you can use this practice test as a guide on which topics to study. This is effective because the topics you’d find on the practice test are also on the real test.

There is no such thing as enough when it comes to ACT practice tests. Take your practice tests as often as possible. Take them before you create your study plan to find out which areas you need to improve. You can also take them right after you review to test if you’ve mastered topics you reviewed. Start taking these ACT English practice tests months before your exam.

Related Topics:

ACT English Practice Tests Read More »

ACT Math Practice Tests

Many students who are taking the ACT are apprehensive about the math part of the test. That may be one of of the reasons why you are here. You may have probably heard about the ACT math test and you want to know it can help you ace your ACT math. There are two ways to score high on the test: natural talent for math or a combination of determination, learning, and practice.

A common misconception is you need to be naturally good at math to score higher on the test. But you don’t really have to be. You can achieve your target score with practice. Answer as many math problems as you can and assess where you make mistakes. Analyze your steps. Put those formulas into practice. That’s the best way to remember them and not by memorization.

Check our Practice Tests for ACT Math 2

Here are some common myths about math:

Myth 1: Math is difficult.

Truth: Math is not difficult, it is just complicated so it takes more effort for people to understand it. Each has his individual style of learning. The good news is once you master it, it becomes easier.

Myth 2: Many students get a low score on their ACT because of math

Truth: Your ACT score is computed by getting the average of your scores on the test subjects, not just math. Your number of correct answers are converted into a score ranging from 1 to 36. If you scored higher on the other three subjects (science, English, reading), it will pull up your ACT math score. But note that schools will see your individual subject scores, so this will still affect your college application especially if you’re applying for a math-based course.

Myth 3: It is difficult to study math.

Truth: Every person has different levels of skills and natural abilities. Many find math difficult because it takes effort to understand concepts and how to solve problems. All you need is to find out which mode of instruction works for you and lots of determination. If there’s one mode of instruction that works for all, that’s practice test! Nothing beats self-learning and learning at your own pace.

Related Topic: ACT Test Introduction, Registration, Dates & Score

What is an ACT Math Practice Test?

The ACT Math practice test is a set of questions formatted to be like the actual ACT math test. It will feature the topics as the real test as well as the method of answering and the time limit. The idea is that when you use this practice test, you will be prepared not only yo answer the questions, but to familiarize yourself with the actual test:

Here is a sample of a question that you will find in the ACT math practice test:

ACT Math Practice test

The questions will cover the following math topics, so make sure you get these covered:

Preparing for higher math (56 – 60%)

Number and quantity




Statistics and probability

Integrating Essential Skills

Rates and percentages

Proportional relationships


Surface area and volume


Producing models

Interpreting models

Understanding models

Evaluating models

Improving models

Learn more review materials here: Practice Tests for ACT Science

How Should You Use This ACT Math Practice Test?

This ACT math practice test can be used in three ways: to assess your current skills, to build your skills, and to put what you’ve learned into practice. Here’s how you should use this practice test:

  1. Set a schedule when you should take the tests.

You can do it every day, every other day or once a week, but you have to make sure that you take the tests regularly.

  1. Show your solutions.

The test may be multiple choice type of questions, but that doesn’t mean you should guess your answers when you’re not sure. Have a scratch paper where you can show your solutions. Write your solution down so you can better analyze the steps it takes to solve a problem. This is the way to also master solving math problems mentally.

  1. Review the topics before taking the practice test.

Quickly study for the topics covered by the test before taking the practice test. This will help you assess your weak areas. Concentrate on improving areas that you find difficult. The practice test will allow you to reveal the correct answer for each question, so you can check your work.

  1. Use it as a support material after each study.

After studying or attending a review class, use the practice test to test what you know and build upon what you have learned. This is the way to solidify whatever you have learned from your study session.

  1. Treat it as a real test.

If you treat the practice test as a real test, you will answer it seriously and with determination. But if you tell yourself that this test is not real, then you might not answer it properly, which would defeat its purpose. That said, it would be best to take the test with a time limit—60 minutes. This is also the time limit for the actual ACT math test.

  1. Take the test again and again.

Practice tests are not for one-time use. The best part about practice tests is that you can use them again and again until you master the materials enough to get a good score.

Related Topic: ACT Registration and Requirements

What Results Can You Get From Using This ACT Math Practice Test?

  1. Calm your math anxiety.

Anxiety comes from the fear of the unknown or from fear of failing. Practicing answering math problems will familiarize you with the math concepts as well as the structure of the test questions, so there will be no surprises when you take the actual test. As for fear of failing, taking practice tests increases your confidence as you begin to understand how to solve various math problems.

  1. Improve your chances of scoring higher.

You get better chances of scoring higher by taking practice tests as this is just like studying for the exam but it’s so much better because you’re putting what you know and what you learn into practice. This will help you remember how to tackle math problems.

  1. Build your math skills for college and beyond.

These practice tests will not only prepare you for ACT math test, but also for college and the real world. You will find that the skills you’ll learn by answering practice tests will benefit you when you start studying college math and when you use math in real world situations.

Start taking ACT Math practice tests now.

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ACT Science Practice Tests

If you are here because you want to know how the ACT Science practice test can help you get a good score on the ACT, then you’ve come to the right place.  After reading this, you’d know exactly why you need a practice test and how you can use it to ace the ACT.

Studying science can be difficult. There are too many items to memorize—names of scientists, formulas from physics, chemical names, and countless scientific theories.  You can try reading all your notes from elementary and high school and hope that some of those things you manage to memorize appear on the test.

ACT Science practice tests, however, will change the way you study by making learning easier and studying more effective.

More review materials: Practice Tests 3 for ACT Science

What is an ACT Science Practice Test?

Science ACT practice tests are simply tests that aim to train you for the real test. They are designed to be like the real test in the topics of the questions and the way they are answered. These practice tests can be answered on the internet or downloaded on your computer.

Science ACT practice test simplifies your preparation for the ACT test by giving you an idea which topic will be featured in the test. It  also prepares you mentally on how the test is going to be conducted. When the actual test comes, you already know how to answer the test.

Related Topic: ACT Test Introduction, Registration, Dates & Score

What to Expect From the ACT Science Practice Test

The Science ACT practice test is designed to cover all the topics found in the real test. Here are the topics you will find in the practice test questions according to

  • Interpretation of Data

Manipulate and analyze scientific data presented in tables, graphs, and diagrams.

  • Scientific Investigation

Understand experimental tools, procedures, and design.

  • Evaluation of Models, Inferences, and Experimental Results

Judge the validity of scientific information and formulate conclusions and predictions based on that information.

These are the same topics you will find in the ACT Science practice test sheets. While the questions in the practice test may be different from the actual test, using the practice test will help guide your study sessions to focus on the exact topics that have a high probability of appearing on the ACT.

Like in the actual test, practice tests also use passages that you read followed by multiple choice questions.  The answer to the questions will be in the passages, but having stock knowledge of science will help improve your chance of answering the questions correctly.

We have Practice Test that you can use: ACT Practice Tests for Science 

What Can This ACT Science Practice Test Do for You?

  1. Familiarize yourself with the test structure.

Using ACT practice tests will familiarize you with the test format used in the ACT, reducing the time you need to be comfortable with the test format in the actual test date.

Some of the questions you encountered on the practice test may appear on the actual test, which means you can answer them right away saving you time that you can use on other more difficult questions.

  1. Set your pace.

The actual test is a timed test. You only have 35 minutes to answer all the questions during the actual ACT Science test. The ACT Science practice test can help you pace yourself so you can finish answering the actual test on time.

  1. Set your goals.

Because you’re familiar with the test structure and how it feels to answer it, you can set better goals for yourself. Perhaps you can challenge yourself to attain a certain score or to finish the test in 30 minutes or less. Remember why you’re doing this: to achieve the score you need to get to the college of your choice, to get accepted into the course you want to take, or to receive a scholarship you’re applying for.

Related Topic: ACT Registration and Requirements

How Should You Use This ACT Science Practice Test?

  1. Schedule when you’ll answer your practice test.

You can do it every day, every other day or once a week, but you have to make sure you take the practice test regularly. You can also take the test after reviewing a set of science topics.

  1. Follow the instructions on the practice test.

Test your ability to follow instructions. Read and follow the instructions before you take the practice test to avoid mistakes.

  1. Don’t treat it as just a practice test.

Answer it seriously and with determination. Set goals for yourself and set the timer to 35 minutes or even less. Your performance on the practice test can predict how well you’d do on the actual test.

  1. Take the test again and again.

This ACT Science practice test is not for one–time use.  The best part about practice tests is that you can use them again and again until you master the materials enough to get a good score.  To know if you got the answers right, you can compare your answers to the provided answer key.

We have Practice Tests for ACT Math

What Results Can You Get From Practice Tests?

Using this practice test is one of the most effective ways to improve your ACT science test score. It will help you study for the topics that might appear on the test and acquaint you with the method the test is conducted. It prepares you from all angles to tackle an important test.

If you want to improve your chances of getting a good ACT Science score, use this test as early as possible or at least six months before you take the actual test.

Related Topics: 

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GED Reasoning through Language Art PRACTICE TEST

Below you’ll find a set of GED practice test questions to help you check your ability to read closely and edit and understand the use of standard written English in context. These abilities are two of the 3 skills that the GED Reasoning Through Language Arts (RLA) test assesses, with the other one being the ability to write clearly.

This GED RLA practice test aims to help you prepare for the actual test and anticipate the kinds of questions you might come across during the test.

More review materials: Reasoning Through Language Arts

Why You Need to Prepare for the GED RLA Test

  1. Increase your chances of passing the GED test.

The reason you need to prepare for the GED RLA Test is to increase your chances of passing the exam. The test is graded in two ways. First, they get the scores for each subject then they get the total score across all 4 subjects covered by the GED test. You need to get a score of 145 on each subject and your total score on all all 4 subjects must be at least 580.

This means that you need to prepare for all subjects. Even if you do well on the other 3 subjects, you will still not receive your GED credential if you fail to pass the GED RLA test with a score of at least 145.

Learn more about GED Reasoning through Language Arts Guide

  1. Score higher on the test.

Another good reason to prepare for the GED RLA test is to increase your chances of scoring higher on the test. Your score matters especially if you are using your GED credential to apply to college or university. Most universities require you to get higher than the passing score. The University of Oregon for example only accepts a total score of 680 or higher if you received your GED after December 2013.

  1. Boost your confidence.

If you haven’t been in school for a while, preparing for the GED RLA Test gives you another advantage: it increases your confidence as it improves your English and language skills. Both skills are useful in any job because it makes you write and communicate better. The ability to communicate clearly is a skill that employers in all industries appreciate. It will also come in handy when you’re trying to build relationships and prevent conflict because of miscommunication.

We have Practice Test that you can use: GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Practice Tests

What to Do Before You Take This GED RLA Practice Test

  1. Take a look at the GED study guide for RLA. This way you know exactly what you need to study before putting your skills into practice.
  2. Read books and essay for high school or college level. The only way to improve your comprehension skills is to read more. If you come across words you are not familiar with, look it up in the dictionary. Write these words down and try to use them in a sentence to help you remember how they’re being used. Check out this list of recommended book for high school. You can also read reputable news publications like CNN or Time.
  3. Take free GED practice tests. Before you take this test, you can absolutely take any free GED practice test for reading and language arts. Take ones that let you see the correct answer after answering the test. This way, you can spot your weak areas. Are you, for example, able to quickly point out the main idea after reading a story once? Are you able to summarize the ideas in the text? If not, you might need to work on your comprehension skills. Aside from reading as much as you can, write down your ideas while reading as this helps improve your comprehension skills. Always take note of words that you don’t understand and look them up in the dictionary.

Feel ready to take this GED RLA Practice Test? Go ahead. Feel free to repeat this practice test until you get a perfect score. This test is meant to help you improve your reasoning and language skills and put them into practice so you can answer the actual GED RLA test with confidence.

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Geometry, a branch of mathematics that deals with shapes, space, lines, points, and their properties, is one of the topics included in the GED test. This GED practice test is specifically designed to test your geometry math skills and knowledge. You can use this test to assess your skill level before reviewing for the GED math exam. You may also use the practice test itself to familiarize yourself with the types of test questions and the kinds of geometry problems you might come across during the exam.

It is also ideal to take this geometry GED practice test after you have watched the video lessons to test how much you have understood the concepts and formulas you have just studied. It will help you remember the techniques you’ve learned for solving geometry math problems.

What to Expect from the Geometry GED Practice Test

In this GED test, you will be able to answer math problems that will ask you to do any of the following:

  1. Solve geometry problems by applying the Pythagorean theorem.
  2. Compute the perimeter and area of a polygon through the correct application of the geometric formula.
  3. Compute the perimeter and area of 2D composite geometric figures, including circles using the correct geometric formula.
  4. Compute the surface area and volume of rectangular prisms by using the correct geometric formula.
  5. Find the side length or height of a rectangular prism using the correct geometric formula when the volume or surface area is given.
  6. Find the volume or surface area of cylinders using the correct geometric formula.
  7. Find the volume and surface area or right pyramids and cones using the correct geometric formula.
  8. Compute the radius, diameter, side lengths and height of right pyramids and cones when the volume or surface area is given by the proper application of the geometric formula.
  9. Find the volume and surface area of right prisms using the proper geometric formula.
  10. Compute the side length or height of a right prism when the volume or surface area is given through the correct application of the geometric formula.
  11. Find the volume and surface area of spheres using the proper geometric formula.
  12. Find the radius or diameter of spheres when the surface area is given through the correct application of the geometric formula.
  13. Find the surface area and volume of 3D geometric figures through the proper application of the geometric formula. 

As you can see, most geometry problems involve using formulas to arrive at the correct answer. This GED practice test is designed to help you exercise your ability not just to memorize formulas, but also to apply them correctly to solve geometry problems. By the end of this GED practice test, you will become familiar with geometry terms and you will also be able to understand how to put geometric formulas into practice.

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Equations, Inequalities, and Functions

In math, an equation simply means that two mathematical expressions are equal. When solving equations, the goal is to always find the value of the unknown. Equations may include decimals and fractions too. A few examples of equations are:

  1. x ”“ 3 = 4
  2. 2(x2 ”“ 2x) = 5

An inequality is a mathematical expression that compares two quantities. The goal for solving inequalities is slightly different from solving equations. It’s to figure out how to leave the x all on its own. Here are some examples of inequalities:

  1. x + 3 < 5
  2. 3 − 3x < − 1

A function is a set of mathematical operations done on one or more variables that yield an output. Here is an example of a function:

y = 4x ”“ 3

Which may also be written as:

f (x) = 4x ”“ 3

Equations, inequalities, and functions all fall under algebra.

What to Expect from the Equations, Inequalities, and Functions Practice Test

Equations, inequalities, and functions are advanced Algebra topics. To practice your ability to solve these problems, you will be able to find exercises that ask you to do the following:

  1. Solve equations with multiple steps
  2. Solve multi-step algebra equations
  3. Solve two-step linear inequalities
  4. Solve a quadratic equation
  5. Solve linear equations
  6. Calculate the slope of a line
  7. Interpret systems of linear equations by graphing

This test can be taken as a way to check your current skill level. It is also ideal to take it after reviewing the topic to test how much you understood what you have learned and to put the techniques you have learned into practice. Take this test after watching our video lessons.

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Algebra Basics, Expressions and Polynomials

Algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with performing arithmetic or mathematical computations with variables, or symbols that don’t have predetermined values. Unlike numerals with fixed values, variables represent unknown values. It is one of the main focuses of the GED Math test, particularly algebraic problem-solving.

Many people are scared of algebra because letters replacing numbers look complicated, but once you understand it, you will see that it has many applications in real life. Algebra is used in may day-to-day activities, such as determining temperature, speed, prices of items, or a number of ingredients used in cooking. It is also used in financial transactions, especially when you need to compare the advantages and disadvantages of things you are planning to buy.

To learn algebra, you need to learn how to balance equations. Equations contain variables (the letters that represent a quantity) and a constant number (the number that has a fixed value). Two key concepts in algebra are an algebraic expression or a mathematical phrase that contains basic operations, variables, and numbers, and polynomials, a series of terms joined together by addition or subtraction, such as x2 + 5x + 9. In algebra, terms are expressions that have a number and a variable, such as 2x or 5y.

What to Expect from the Algebra Basics, Expressions, and Polynomials GED Practice Test

To test and strengthen your ability to solve algebra word problems, you will be able to do the following in this GED practice test:

  1. Simplify algebraic expressions
  2. Solve rational equations
  3. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide polynomials
  4. Find the absolute value of a rational number
  5. Calculate with signed numbers
  6. Convert numbers to scientific notation
  7. Factor polynomial expressions
  8. Solve algebra equations in word problems
  9. Solve equations using multiple steps
  10. Determine when a numerical expression is undefined

You can use this GED Math practice test in two ways. First is to test your current skill level and ability to solve algebraic problems. It will help you see where you need to improve. Second is to check how much you have understood from reviewing algebra. You can take this practice test after watching our video lessons.

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Data, Probability, and Statistics

Data, probability, and statistics is a branch of mathematics that deals with collecting, organizing, analyzing, and interpreting numerical data to help understand or predict events or to help come up with an intelligent decision. It is one of the topics included in the GED Math test.

The GED Math test checks how well you analyze, think, and solve real-life problems involving numbers. Naturally, you can expect to find data, probability, and statistics questions on the GED Math test as this subject can be applied to a wide variety of everyday events. You will also find it on many other subjects like social sciences, economics, accounting, banking, and communication.

For example, the information you get from weather forecasts or the amount you pay for insurance is all based on statistics. The medicines sold at the pharmacy have also undergone tests that involved probability and statistics before it was decided that they are safe to be released to the public. The way research companies predict who will win the elections are also based on statistics.

What to Expect from the Data, Probability, and Statistics GED Practice Test

The questions in this GED practice test aim to help you improve your ability to solve problems involving data, probability, and statistics. You can also use this test to check how much you have understood the subject and to see which areas you need to improve on. You may find questions that ask you to do any of the following:

  1. Interpret data presented in tables and graphs.
  2. Calculate mean, median, or mode.
  3. Interpret dot plots, histograms, and box plots.
  4. Calculate weighted average.
  5. Determine the probability of simple and compound events.
  6. Determine the probability of independent and dependent events.
  7. Solve permutation and combination problems.

You can take this GED Math practice test immediately to test your level of understanding of the subject. It would also be ideal to take it after you have watched the video lessons on data, probability, and statistics.

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Ratio, Proportion and Percent

Ratio, Proportion, and Percent is a mathematical topic that compares quantities. Because the GED Math test focuses on checking your ability to apply math to real-life settings, you can expect word problems that ask you to find the ratio, proportion or percentage as these are used in everyday life.

A ratio is a comparison of two different quantities. For example, if strawberries cost $5/kg, oranges $2/kg, and grapes $4/kg, then the ratio of these prices can be expressed as 5:2:4. Ratio word problems usually ask you to compare two quantities or to determine proper allocation.

A proportion is an equation showing that two ratios are equal. A percent or percentage is a ratio or number expressed as a fraction of 100. Three percent, for example, is really a ratio that means 3 per 100.

Ratio, Proportion, and Percent are often used in cooking, shopping, and financial transactions and other real-life situations.

What to Expect from the Ratio, Proportion, and Percent GED Practice Test

In this GED practice test, you will be asked to answer word problems to check and build your understanding of ratio, proportion, and percent. The questions here might ask you to:

  1. Calculate ratios and proportions
  2. Find the part of a percent of the whole
  3. Calculate simple interest
  4. Calculate percent change
  5. Calculate an exchange rate
  6. Calculate the rate of increase or decrease

You can take this GED practice test before reviewing to see how much you understand the topic and to know if there are weak areas you need to focus on. You can also take this practice test after watching our video lessons or after reviewing on your own to strengthen the concepts and methods you have studied. This practice test will also help you become familiar with the types of questions found on the actual GED exam. You can choose to answer this test at your own pace or you can take it a step further by setting a time limit for the entire test.

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Decimals and Fractions

This GED practice test contains exercises on fractions and decimals. Fractions are numerical quantities that are used to represent a part of a whole. It splits up a whole into parts. A decimal includes a whole number and a part of a whole number. It is expressed on the scale of tens.

In many cases, students get scared of fractions and decimals because the way you compute whole numbers is different from how you compute decimals and fractions. A student who is struggling with fractions and decimals may also have not learned how to apply them in the real-world setting, which is what the GED Math test questions are all about.

There are different types of fractions: proper fractions, improper fractions, and mixed numbers. This GED practice test includes questions that will check and exercise your ability to add, subtract, multiply or divide all types of fractions and also decimals. You will also be able to practice changing between decimals and fractions.

What to Expect from the Decimals and Fractions GED Practice Test

This GED practice test was created to help you become confident in calculating and answering word problems with decimals and fractions. The questions in this test may ask you to do the following:

  1. Order fractions and decimals, including on a number line.
  2. Perform operations with decimals and fractions.
  3. Change between improper fraction and mixed number form.
  4. Perform operations with fractions and mixed numbers.
  5. Raise and reduce fractions.
  6. Convert decimals to fractions.
  7. Convert fractions to decimals.
  8. Answer word problems involving fractions and decimals.

The key to studying fractions and decimals is by first building your basic number sense and problem-solving skills, then understanding the concept of fractions and decimals. See how they are used in real life, such as in cooking, shopping or managing time and others. Fractions, in particular, are used in many science and construction industries.
After watching our video lessons, this decimals and fractions GED practice test will be able to test how well you understand the two concepts and how to solve math problems with fractions and decimals. This quiz will also help you build strong fraction and decimal skills as you answer the exercises.

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Number Sense and Problem Solving

Number sense and problem-solving are a big component of the GED Math test because you need both skills to be able to answer questions that focus on quantitative problem-solving and algebraic problem-solving.

Number sense is the foundation of your math skills as it refers to your ability to understand numbers and their relationships. It also refers to your ability to use them. For example, your number sense will help you determine the magnitude of things or make judgments and decisions based on numbers.

Your ability to perform the four basic operations on numbers also falls under number sense. To study the topic of the GED test, you need to learn different methods for computing, practice the ability to calculate mentally without the use of calculators or pen and paper and learn how to reason in terms of numbers. Taking this GED practice test for number sense and problem- solving will let you practice computing using the four basic operations.

For problem-solving, the GED test focuses on questions that you can easily apply to real-world settings. Math problems are solved every day. Some activities where you can find real-world math problems are budgeting, managing time, estimating travel time and distance, estimating prices, and even making or following cooking recipes.

What to Expect From the Number Sense and Problem-Solving GED Practice Test

In this GED practice test, you will be able to answer questions that build your number sense and problem-solving skills. These questions may involve:

  1. Performing the four basic math operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) on numbers.
  2. Solving real-world math problems using a step-by-step process.
  3. Solving Equations.
  4. Solving word problems that may involve two or more steps to get the correct answer.
  5. Calculating distance, time, and speed.
  6. Calculating the cost

Answering number sense and problem-solving questions builds your foundational skills for other branches of mathematics like algebra and geometry, which are also included in the GED test. It is necessary to master these basic skills to be able to move forward to the other branches of mathematics with ease.
By answering this GED practice test, you will be able to become familiar with the types of number sense and problem-solving questions you might encounter during the exam and assess the level of your skills. It is also ideal to take this practice test after you have watched our GED video lessons to check how much you have understood them. The questions in this test will help you understand how to put the techniques and methods you have learned into practice.

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GED Practice Test For Science Exam

Our GED practice test for Science, along with our GED online lessons, will help you better understand scientific concepts and processes.

Many test-takers feel they’re not ready to take the GED Science test. This is because science, much like math, is considered to be a difficult subject by many students. And it’s not surprising. Science has a lot of technical terms and theories that can be challenging to understand.

Has science always been a tough subject for you?

Science can be a hard subject to learn because many of its concepts are abstract. In other words, they’re hard to imagine or apply in real life. For example, it’s hard to visualize how cells carry out functions or how chemicals are made.

Our GED®Science Practice test will help you pass faster Check HERE

Can no longer remember important science concepts from high school?

Another challenging part of studying science is remembering terms that you don’t get to hear every day. By taking our GED Science practice tests and watching our GED online lessons, you will become familiar with the words that are often used in the science-related text. You will begin to know words like equilibrium, density, hypothesis, enzyme, and more.

Scared of equations, graphs, and charts?

Taking our practice test will introduce you again to tables, graphs, charts, and equations. You will learn how to interpret data from these.

Start reviewing with our helpful contents: GED Science Classes Online

Not sure how to design an experiment or write a simple scientific explanation?

Our GED Science practice test and online lessons will give you the confidence to do both. The questions in the practice test and the video lessons cover the three main topics of the GED Science exam: Life Science, Physical Science, and Earth and Space Science. The questions are also phrased in a way that will help you know how experiments are designed. From these questions, you will discover how to write a hypothesis, analyze data, and draw a conclusion.

Get our GED Study Guide for tips on how to prepare for the GED Science test and other subjects.


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GED Math Practice Test 2020

Free GED Math Practice Tests to improve your GED Scores in 2018 Math test. GED Math sample questions will help you pass your GED exam at 1st attempt. Start practicing these tests today to get ready for what’s coming in real GED Math Test. All these practice  questions are designed based on the original test.

It’s the second part of our GED Math practice test! Like the first set of our GED practice test for math, the second set aims to help you get at least 145 points or higher in the GED Math exam. We want you to become confident with your problem-solving and arithmetic skills.

Tips to GED Math Test

Scared of math word problems? Our GED Math practice test will help increase your confidence to solve real-world math problems. For example, one test question will ask you to calculate travel time from one point to another. You will also find an item that asks you to compute the total bill amount paid for a dinner.

Forgotten about decimals, fractions, and percentages? Our GED practice test for math will help you improve number sense. You will find test items that include decimal numbers and fractions. One test question asks you to compute the interest rate offered by bonds, which means you’ll also be dealing with percentages.

Not sure how to analyze data and calculate simple statistics? With our GED practice test for math, you will become comfortable with analyzing data presented to you through graphs, tables, or diagrams. Some of our word problems include these types of data to help you learn how to understand them.

Want to improve your calculation speed and accuracy? Our GED math practice test questions involve a lot of number operations and number sense. You will be asked to add, subtract, multiply or divide.

Need to remember how to use math symbols and formula and understand algebraic expression? Take our GED practice test for math and you will come across problems that need the correct formula to get the right answer. For example, you will be asked to find the perimeter of a field and you will need to use a formula here. You will also see math symbols and algebraic expressions.

Passing the GED Math test is easy as long as you’re comfortable with algebra and geometry. You must also be able to perform basic number operations, analyze data,  and calculate measurements. You’ll find all these types of questions in our GED practice test for Math. Answer the questions now and learn more through our online video lessons.


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GED Practice Test for Math

The GED practice test for math has been created to help you pass the Mathematical Reasoning section of the GED exam.

To pass this section, you need to get at least 145 points. The best way to achieve this and get an even higher score is through practice. Take our practice test now and attend our GED online classes to study for the math topics included in the exam.

Want to calculate faster?

You can calculate faster by mastering foundational arithmetic skills and mathematical calculations through practice. These skills include the four basic operations, roots, basic number sense, and exponents. You will find all  these types of items in our GED practice test for math.

Tips to Improve GED Math Score

Need to practice your problem-solving skills?

Be prepared to  solve various math word problems. Our GED Math practice test includes items that will ask you to do quantitative problem solving as well as algebraic problem-solving. These problem-solving tests are the two main topics of the GED Math exam. The practice test will help you develop critical thinking skills in mathematical context.

Need to review mathematical symbols and formulas?

The focus of the GED Math test is not on memorizing formulas, but on knowing how to apply them. Our GED practice test for math will help you understand how to use math  symbols and formulas. Some of our test questions will require you to use formulas and interpret symbols correctly to arrive at the right answer. For example, one of the test items would ask you to find the area of a cardboard. This question needs you to use the right mathematical formula to get the correct answer.

Find it hard to understand charts and graphs?

Our GED math practice test includes test items with graphs, charts, diagrams, and tables. You will be asked to analyze and compare visual data to solve a problem.

Ready to study?

Take our practice test at your own pace. If you want to challenge yourself, we suggest using a timer while answering the test. Give yourself a time limit to answer each question. This will also help you work faster during the exam. Remember, you will only have 115 minutes to finish the actual GED Math test.


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