Which of the Following is an Example of Condensation? Facts in Detail

which of the following is an example of condensation

Understanding the process of condensation is crucial, especially when exploring its various forms and how it occurs in our daily lives. “Which of the following is an example of condensation?” is a common question that can help clarify this phenomenon. Let’s dive into what condensation is and examine some examples to illustrate this process.

What is Condensation?

Condensation is the process by which water vapor in the air is changed into liquid water. This occurs when humid air comes into contact with a cold surface, causing the water vapor to cool and gather as droplets on that surface.

Why is Condensation Important?

Condensation plays a vital role in various natural and artificial processes. It contributes to weather patterns, the water cycle, and even impacts our daily activities, such as seeing fog on a mirror after a hot shower.

Examples of Condensation

Now, let’s explore some specific examples to better understand this process.

Dew Formation

Dew is a natural form of water, formed as water vapor condenses.

In the early morning, you’ll often find tiny droplets of water on grass, leaves, and other surfaces. This is dew, and it forms when the warm, moist air of the day cools overnight, causing the water vapor to condense.

Foggy Mirrors

The fog in the mirror is the condensation of water vapor as it touches a colder surface.

After a hot shower, you might notice your bathroom mirror fogging up. This occurs because the water vapor from the shower condenses on the cooler surface of the mirror, creating tiny water droplets.

Water Droplets on a Cold Bottle

The formation of dew is almost exactly like the formation of the water droplets on the outside of a cold bottle.

Have you ever taken a cold bottle out of the fridge and noticed it getting wet on the outside? This happens because the warm, humid air around the bottle cools down when it touches the cold surface, leading to condensation.

What is Not an Example of Condensation

Cooling of water in a refrigerator is an example of freezing.

This is not an example of condensation. Instead, it is an example of freezing, where the liquid water turns into solid ice due to the low temperatures in the refrigerator.


Understanding “Which of the following is an example of condensation?” helps clarify how this common process works. From the morning dew to foggy mirrors and water droplets on cold surfaces, condensation is a fascinating phenomenon that occurs all around us. Remember, condensation involves water vapor turning into liquid water on a cool surface, while other processes, like freezing, involve different mechanisms.